The Digestive Disease Medicine (DDM) office was custom designed to accommodate our patients in a professional manner, with constant concern for their privacy and convenience. We are now located on the first floor at 116 Business Park Drive in Utica, adjacent to the Mohawk Valley Endoscopy Center. Our newly constructed modern office now contains 18 state of the art examination rooms to allow us to safely and comfortably treat all of your GI conditions.
DDM’s Pathology Laboratory offers biopsy interpretation by a Board Certified Pathologist.. Our pathology laboratory is certified by both Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) and the College of Anatomic Pathologists (CAP).

The Digestive Disease Medicine Infusion Center offers comprehensive IBD infusion therapy in a clean, comfortable environment. Our state of the art five chair infusion suite is designed for patients that require scheduled infusions. Your doctor may recommend that you try infusions of medications called biologics as a treatment for Crohn’s disease. or Ulcerative colitis. This method usually involves using a needle or catheter. Ideally, these infusions can help keep the condition in remission.
An abdominal CAT or CT scan is an imaging method that uses x-rays to create cross-sectional pictures of the belly area.
DDM’s noninvasive diagnostic Imaging Center uses a combination of X-rays and computer technology to produce horizontal, or axial, images (often called slices) of the body. Our CT scanner shows detailed images of any part of the body, including the bones, muscles, fat, organs, and blood vessels. CT scans are more detailed than standard X-rays.

DDM’s Clinical Research Unit will be conducting clinical research projects in Fall 2020. The clinical research unit provides patients with the most advanced level of medical and surgical care, primarily focused on the safe and proven treatment of disorders related to the gastrointestinal tract. DDM is the first gastroenterology practice in Mohawk Valley to integrate research and practice to ensure that our patients are receiving state-of-the-art medical care.
In 2011, the physicians at Digestive Disease Medicine of Central New York established along with Faxton-St. Luke’s Healthcare and St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, the Mohawk Valley Endoscopy Center, Central New York’s first ambulatory endoscopy center. Mohawk Valley Endoscopy Center is designed with the patient and their family in mind, and we are very proud that we have been able to offer this level of care to our
community. Patients of Mohawk Valley Endoscopy Center receive professional care from Digestive Disease Medicine’s team of physicians, nurses, and medical technicians who are specially trained in all aspects of gastrointestinal disorders. To learn more about MVEC, click here: