Clinical Trials

To help our patients, DDM integrates research into our practice to ensure that patients will have additional options for their medical care. Clinical trials offer the possibility of finding a new treatment, and contributing to research that will benefit others with similar diseases. We partner with companies developing new drugs and/or devices that eventually may become standard care. Participation in these studies is voluntary and requires patients to be fully informed before signing consent. DDM encourages all patients to consider trial enrollment, especially if current therapy is not working. Before you participate in a drug trial, you will know how the trial will be conducted and what you have to do. It may include extra office visits, tests, procedures, and detailed instructions about taking your medication. Each trial has specific qualifications which determine who can enroll. Some studies use both a placebo and a real drug. The placebo is designed to seem like a real drug, but it will have no treatment value. Other studies offer drug treatments already approved by the FDA. You will have many questions concerning how the study is conducted. Ask your doctor if you would be a good match for our research. A few things to consider is that medications may have potential side effects or possible adverse effects. It is possible the treatment might not be effective for your condition. Both your provider and the sponsor of the study can provide answers to your questions. There is never any obligation to participate. We encourage you to talk it over with your family and friends before making a decision. Send any questions by email to or